Gut, ich gebe zu, es gibt sie nicht oft - eigentlich nur sehr selten. Mir ist es aber passiert.
Ich veröffentliche auf Facebook ein Bild, das ich zu einem Wettbewerb anmelden will, bekomme einige "Likes" und gleichzeitig ein Angebot für eine Bilderausstellung.
Normalerweise bin ich diejenige, die sich für eine Ausstellung bewerben muss - manchmal 3 Jahre im voraus.
Nun hieß es nur "Petra, wir müssen eine Ausstellung machen." und meine vielleicht kindliche, aber ehrliche und offene Antwort war nur "Gerne, sofort!".
Und nun habe ich genau 3 Wochen nach dieser Antwort eine Bilderausstellung in Nürnberg.
Es ist zwar etwas wenig Vorlaufzeit, ich sehe mich schon tagelang arbeiten und nur mal so zwischendurch schlafen, aber ich mache es und es wird ein Erfolg werden....und ich freue mich darauf.
Der Aussteller, ein Kollege, hat die Plakate schon gedruckt, Flyer hoffentlich auch, er sagt, der Musikpart stehe auch schon fast fest.
Mir bleibt eigentlich nur noch, einige Flyer (man muss ja schließlich auch selbst etwas Werbung machen) abzuholen und zu verteilen, meinen Bilderbestand zu sichten und energisch zu ergänzen (Ja, ich weiß, diese Arbeit ist nicht "nur" sondern der zeitaufwendigste jedoch auch schönste Teil), meine Bilder rechtzeitig abzuliefern und aufzuhängen und vielleicht einige Häppchen für die Vernissage zu machen.
Und dann...genau am 16. März....muss ich fertig, fit und energiegeladen ( mal sehen, wie ich das hinkriege) zur Vernissage erscheinen.
Es ist noch sehr viel Arbeit, aber sie wird sich lohnen.
I can still see them....these few moments in which I am not really active but in which I have a feeling of success.
Ok, I admit, these moments are rare - actually more than that but it happened to me.
I published a painting that I want to use for a challenge on facebook, got some "likes" and at the same time an offer to make an exibition.
Normally I am the one who has to apply for an exibition....sometimes 3 years before I can have it.
but on facebook I could read "Petra, we should make an exibition." and my maybe a bit naive but really honest answer was "Ok, I´d like it. At best now.".
And now I have exactly 3 weeks(from the answer up to the vernissage) time to prepare for an exibition in Nürnberg.
I know it´s a little less time and I can see myself working all day long and only sleeping a few moments in between but I will do it and I know it will be successful. I look forward to it.
The exibitor (a collegue) already printed the posters and (I really hope so) also the flyer, he said the music part is nearly booked and his preparation is nearly finished.
My only part will e to pick up some flyer (a bit public relation I also want to do myself), to give them to my customers, to look for the paintings which could be good for this exibition and to produce some more (Yes I know the word "only" is not really right cause making some more paintings is the greatest work which needs the most time. But it is also the one which I like most.) I will have to deliver my paintings in time and to hang them up before the first vernissage guest will arrive. That´s all.
And then....exactly on march 16th at 7pm
I will have to be ready, fit and full of energy (I´ll see how to manage it) in Nü best before all guests will arrive.
It is much work but it also worth to do it.
Ok, I admit, these moments are rare - actually more than that but it happened to me.
I published a painting that I want to use for a challenge on facebook, got some "likes" and at the same time an offer to make an exibition.
Normally I am the one who has to apply for an exibition....sometimes 3 years before I can have it.
but on facebook I could read "Petra, we should make an exibition." and my maybe a bit naive but really honest answer was "Ok, I´d like it. At best now.".
And now I have exactly 3 weeks(from the answer up to the vernissage) time to prepare for an exibition in Nürnberg.
I know it´s a little less time and I can see myself working all day long and only sleeping a few moments in between but I will do it and I know it will be successful. I look forward to it.
The exibitor (a collegue) already printed the posters and (I really hope so) also the flyer, he said the music part is nearly booked and his preparation is nearly finished.
My only part will e to pick up some flyer (a bit public relation I also want to do myself), to give them to my customers, to look for the paintings which could be good for this exibition and to produce some more (Yes I know the word "only" is not really right cause making some more paintings is the greatest work which needs the most time. But it is also the one which I like most.) I will have to deliver my paintings in time and to hang them up before the first vernissage guest will arrive. That´s all.
And then....exactly on march 16th at 7pm
I will have to be ready, fit and full of energy (I´ll see how to manage it) in Nü best before all guests will arrive.
It is much work but it also worth to do it.
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